After escaping from Galapagos we arrived in Quito late in the day just to spend one night, so the next day we could go to Colombia.
Our party in Ecuador was over ahead of schedule and to let the family happy we promised to leave the country as fast as possible. We were really tired after all the stress and we just wanted to find a nice place to relax, so we crossed the border with Colombia along with a German couple (Max and Juliana, he was also on the boat adventure with us and wanted to escape as well, hehehe), and after two days of buses we finally arrived at our hideaway, Popayan.
Popayan is a charming little town in southern Colombia, better known as the white city, as all city buildings, churches and derivatives are completely white. It was a perfect place to relax and for 3 days we didn’t do anything. Maybe we walked about 5 blocks per day, since everything could be reached in a short distance. We were staying in a charming hostel just next to the church and every day in the morning we heard the church choir from the back. It was cool.
After resting enough we decided to do our next tour, visiting the archaeological site of Tierradentro. We left our bags in Popayan and went for two days already starting the next day at 6:30 in the morning with a walk that just went up. Affff … It was hard! We did 7 hours trekking in total, up and down, passing through stunning landscapes.
And we visited some circular decorated tombs with its deep spiral staircase of indigenous Colombian tribes from the VII and IX centuries that disappeared from the earth, but left their mark.
Then we went back to Popayan for another day of rest to recharge our batteries and return to normal travel life to further explore Colombia.
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Kiki,sempre viajei e depois de uma longa viajem ,mas curta se comparada a sua,iniciei um trabalho que fosse preciso viajar .Foi por isso que comecei a olhar seu site e achei simplesmente fantástico .
A maneira inteligente ,fácil ,gostosa ,ludica que voce apresenta a viajem de voces é incrível .
Moro em SP,Vila Olímpia ,quem sabe possamos nos conhecer na sua volta.
Bia Netter
Olá Bia,
Que legal. Ficamos muito felizes.
Com certeza vai ser um prazer te encontrar. Ainda não temos uma previsão exata de retorno, mas vai acompanhando as notícias e quando a gente estiver de volta entra em contato que a gente marca.