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Overland Tour in Africa – Botswana & Zambia

16th day of the tour, starting at 6am heading north of Botswana, 600km later we stopped again at a campsite to pinch our tents. Relaxing afternoon, followed again by a super cold night.

Our campsite is located directly beside the Chobe reserve and the next morning at 6am we left for our second safari! We were in a truck with no door and windows and the cold was even more intense, but the sunrise was beautiful and we saw animals that we hadn’t seem yet. Hippos, crocodiles, kudu, baboons, buffalo, wild dogs, warthog, etc … So we almost forget the cold!

Big breakfast when we were back and we had another relaxing afternoon with a stroll in town and boat ride on the Chobe river ….The view was beautiful and everyone cohabits, elephants, hippos, crocodiles, giant lizards, buffaloes and birds of all kinds. The sunset was stunning as always. Back at the campsite a TV soccer evening: Euro 2012 France 1-1 England.

18th day, we got up early again to do just a few km to cross the border to Zambia, bye bye Botswana. We traveled further 150km to get to Livingstone. Upon your arrival we stopped at the famous Victoria Falls which separates Zambia and Zimbabwe. We are impressed by the beauty of nature and we got completely soaked from head to toe!

After 2 hours at the falls we start to set in a beautiful campsite near the river, we’re here for four days. Livingstone is another adventure area in Africa and there are many activities to do, walking safaris, helicopter tours, bungee jumping, quad, gorge swing, rafting ect … We had a dinner at the restaurant with the group and a party in the truck. The next morning Carol spent the whole day doing activities in the Gorge: 2 abseiling of 50 meters (front and back), 4 zip lines rides and the 3 jumps on the famous gorge swing of 100 meters (2 solo and 1 tandem). She loved it but felt scared several times!

Today, 19th day, we finally slept till late … four of our 12 co-adventurers left us today, but tomorrow 12 new will join us to continue our 11 days of travel to Tanzania. Carol is enjoying the campsite by the pool and Alexis did a helicopter ride to see Victoria Falls from the sky.

We already did 4500 km through 4 different countries and we still have to do more 2800 km, 11 days and 2 countries. Africa is divine e and for sure we will be back.


  1. Rogério 06 Jul 2012 / 11:06 UTC / #

    Muito legal o site e iniciativa de vcs.

    • Carol 14 Jul 2012 / 16:19 UTC / #

      Olá Rogério, que bom que vcs curtiram. Foi um prazer conhecer vcs.