Os Viajantes



31 years old – Born in Rio de Janeiro. I graduated in marketing and for many years I worked for a multinational company and lived in different cities such as Curitiba, São Paulo, Campinas and Lausanne,Switzerland. Since my teenage years I’ve been fascinated by traveling. Everything started when I took part in a student exchange in England when I was 17. I just loved it and thereafter the main goal in my life was to work and save money to do more travelling. While all my friends buy houses and cars… I don’t buy anything… But I take with me all the stories and experiences from every trip. When I met Alexis I found the ideal partner to help make my biggest dream come true! As my great-grandfather used to say: “From life we only take the life we take!”



31 years old – Musician – Born in Niort, France. I always desired to live abroad so when I was 23 I quit my job in France and moved to England. Later on, I did the same and went to Germany, Brazil then Switzerland. In each place I had amazing experiences, working as bartender, a French teacher, a musician, a TV dubber etc… And I made friends for life. Travelling became a passion! When Carol said: “Let’s leave everything and do a round the world trip?”, my first reaction was: “Are you crazy? How can we do that? What about our work and our things and nhanhanha…?”. But then I realised that this could be the best thing to do in life! After all, life is like a coin, you can only spend it once so spend it right.



Traveler rabbit – Born in London, December 25th 2003. I’ve been travelled the world accompanied by my owner Alexis my whole life. I’m also a model for photos at the world’s most famous landmarks. I love travelling and I’ll guide you on this adventure around the world. If you want to know where I’ve already been, add me on facebook! kiki.lelapinblanc.

Kiki le Lapin Blanc

We are definitely a couple passionate for travelling and we believe that fate brought us together so we could go through this adventure with one another.

Carol & Alexis

The idea of meeting new people, going to new places and understanding that the world has much more to offer than our little day-to-day world, has become our main fuel.

In our round the world trip we will visit unknown places and the expectations of what we might face and the experiences we will have ahead is truly exciting.

Watch here a summary of our adventures till now.