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1st Photo exhibition of Alexis in Brazil

Vernissage Expo Piola

On January 27th we had the vernissage of the 1st photo exhibition of Alexis in Brazil, “Found on the Way”.

The exhibit features 23 images that enchanted Alexis during our 2 years of travels and all come with texts that induce reflection. Texts inspired on learnings and feelings we had during our adventure around the world.

At the vernissage we counted with the presence of 50 guests and it was a pleasure to have dear friends on this very especial day for us. We thank all of you for the affection and attention.

For those who could not attend the vernissage the exhibition is running till February 2nd at Piola Jardins (Alameda Lorena, 1765 – Jardins), every day from 19hs.

Do not miss this!


  1. Carol 29 Jan 2014 / 23:45 UTC / #

    Muito bom. Como sempre, tudo feito com esmero e muita energia. Estamos cheios de orgulho e sempre na torcida. Bjs.

  2. Maira Lucca Pnho 30 Jan 2014 / 14:06 UTC / #

    Que sucesso! Claro que não poderia ser diferente, a sensibilidade do Alexis pra beleza das coisas simples está evidente nas fotos! Parabens!

    • Carol 06 Feb 2014 / 14:36 UTC / #

      Obrigado Maira, tô contente que vc gostou, me aguarde vamos levar a exposição para Curitiba!!