We were not expecting much when we arrived in Gili Islands, but in the end we were impressed with the beauty of the islands. You know that super-transparent blue water that you only see in postcards, here you see it for real. For those who love beach, is almost a paradise, if you do not come in high season of course. Neither developed nor cleared, each of the three islands has its level of agitation. We arrived in Gili Trawangan and spent two days just relaxing on the sandy beach bungalows. We ride the bike around the island in just 1 hour and did some snorkeling to see the various colors of fish and huge turtles. Just amazing. Alexis jammed with a reggae band and also played with some local people in the street. Here they love guitars, wherever Alexis was going there was always someone wanting to play with him. At night we ate at the night market, good food and super cheap. Fought by tourists, as it is definitely an experience to do when you’re here. Then we took the local boat to go to Gili Air, even smaller and more peaceful. No wheeled suitcase around here, to hop on or off the boat you go by water, so the backpack is ideal. We’ll leave tomorrow for a boat trip to Komodo Islands for five days, without any communication or internet. We’ll disconnect! Heheheh
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Que show de imagens, que lugar!!!
os dias de vocês na Indonesia são uma maravilha, sem falar das fotos!! muito legal
Tem que ver os dias na Tailândia… Baita sol e céu azul todo dia. Nem uma gotinha de chuva se quer, nenhuma nuvem… Já faz 14 dias que tá assim…
Simplesmente demais, uma experiencia linda!!!
Quem sabe um dia vc não faz com a Rafaela e tudo. A gente viu vários pais mochilando com os filhos aqui na Ásia. Muito maneiro.
Definitivamente isso tudo é um sonho. Aproveitem. Bjs.
Que saudade das Gilis!!! Agora vc descobriu porque gostamos tanto dessas ilhas… bjs
É o paraíso mesmo… Mas fora da temporada. Ouvi dizer que na alta temporada parece o inferno na terra. Hehehe